Monday, March 9, 2009

Skyline Residence by Belzberg Architects Los Angeles, California

If you looking for best residential Skyline Residence may become best choice because of elegant design of this architecture. According to Hagy Belzberg, AIA, principal of Los Angeles-based firm Belzberg Architects, the site where his Skyline Residence now gloriously perches was, at one time, deemed unbuildable.

Since 1952 three previous owners of the property had lined up to try to get permission from the city of Los Angeles to develop the precarious ridge—which overlooks Laurel Canyon, downtown LA, and the San Fernando Valley—but to no avail. The plot’s narrow expanse of workable land abuts steep, brush-covered hillside on two sides, with an easement flanking the Southwestern edge.

If that were not enough, part of the land sits on granite, making excavation difficult. “I decided that instead of trying to fight the topography I would work with it,” says the architect, “and create a very narrow building that sits lightly on the land with minimal to no grading.” Armed with his thoughtful plan, Belzberg got the necessary permits.

Beyond incorporating sustainable building product systems, the budgetary limitations imposed on material choice forced the architect to implement strategies for using resources in close proximity to the site. Therefore, the general concept adopted for this project stems from “Carbon Neutral Economics”, or the purchasing of goods which are manufactured locally to save carbon transportation emissions.

In a low budget architecture project where high-tech systems such as photovoltaic panels, wind turbines and recycled products are out of economical reach, the Skyline Residence reverted back to purchasing locally, minimized grading and capitalizing on natural characteristics of the site.

project title : Skyline Residence
status : Completed 2007
size : 5.800sf
location : Los Angeles, CA
client : Skyline Dr., LLC
design architect : Belzberg Architects
photo: Benny Chan | Fotoworks

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